
Welcome to Hungerford Bowling Club. Situated in the tranquil and beautiful Croft Green and sharing a sports area with the Tennis Club, the Bowling Club was founded in 1918 and was formally affiliated to the Royal County of Berkshire Bowling Association in 1924.

Latest News and Fixtures

Dates for your Calendar


Our membership range is wide and subscriptions for the year run from 1 April  to 31 March.

Only paid-up members may use the green & Club and represent the club in matches. However, we always extend a warm welcome to visitors and prospective bowlers.

Bowls Contacts


The Club offers a wide range of club & team play fixtures and regular coaching for new and established players of all ages.

Fixtures vary from league play, inter-club  friendlies, social bowls events, internal competitions and regular social  ‘roll-up’ bowls (for the more ‘relaxed’ bowler). We provide formal and informal  coaching and assistance for all new and prospective members – why not come down  and give it a try!